

No Strategy? No Good!

Aren’t sure what to say, how to say it, who to say it to or when to say it? Without a clear marketing/content plan, your business may find itself left in your competitors’ dust.

Each and every time you engage in a conversation about your business you are marketing. Any conversation about your industry is an opportunity for promotion. Every promotion has the potential to lead to a sale.

A marketing/content strategy not only helps you focus. It will help you identify who you are speaking to and how to speak all their unique language. As the digital world continues to transform at high speeds, the key is to do the work to stay ahead of the curve.

You have a website!

Great start! Whether your business is big or small, a website is a must. You may know your audience and exactly what they want but if they can’t find you – you will literally and figuratively, be lost.

Having a well laid out, visually appealing website does more than just make your business look good. Websites are cost effective, convenient, and add an element of basic credibility that goes a long way. On top of all that – they are the starting point for the implementation of your marketing plan and with- proper curation and promotion – sales!

Are you sure your brand is being properly represented on the world wide web? Is there room for improvement? A marketing/content plan can help.

You’ve created a social media presence!

Fantastic! We’re always thrilled to see that a company has done their due diligence and created accounts to tweet, gram, pin and snap.

It’s all well and good to sign up for social media across the board and begin posting as your business and even making sure to share some 3rd party content. Are you sure you know how what you’re saying and sharing is being heard?

While we may not all be the President of the United States – your brand’s online voice, matters! So, don’t leave it to chance!

A marketing/content strategy acts as a map, a blueprint; it’s your north star! A professional will help you identify your audience and build out the personas. They will develop your individualized delivery methods across all platforms (yes, they are all different). They will even take it that much further and break the plan down to isolate earned, owned and paid strategies – for every member of your target audience.


You have a Facebook business page!

Perhaps you’ve had conversations where, “Facebook is dead!” is overheard; while there will always be naysayers – we entirely disagree! As of March 2017, Facebook has 1.86 million monthly active users … need we say more?

A Facebook page harnesses the power of increased exposure to many potential customers and can even get you more leads. It is an effective way to lower marketing expenses while still being able to reach your target audience; it builds brand loyalty and will drive web traffic.

Much like the individual social media accounts, having a clear direction and voice will take your business the extra mile. Additionally, the level of engagement must be consistent and many business owners do not have an outline in mind that could help them manage all the platforms (including the FB page) effectively and efficiently.

Did you know: 60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day. That alone demonstrates the value of content marketing to your audience!

Ultimately, the more ways people can find and interact with you – the better. However, when what they find is exactly what they are looking for (thanks to a well thought-out and implemented marketing/content plan) – that’s the best!

Still not convinced?

Consider the fact that “content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads.” But creating content for content sake, without a clear strategy and objective may leave you wondering, “Where are the results?”.

If what you’ve read has left you with any intrigue don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are always thrilled to chat marketing, branding, social media, event promotion and all things in this great big digital world.

-The Carmella Crew

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