Are You Overlooking YouTube for Your Business?
[vc_row type=”full_width_background” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” top_padding=”8%” bottom_padding=”6%” overlay_strength=”0.3″ shape_divider_position=”bottom” bg_image_animation=”none” shape_type=””][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_link_target=”_self” column_shadow=”none” column_border_radius=”none” width=”1/1″ tablet_width_inherit=”default” tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid” bg_image_animation=”none”][vc_row_inner column_margin=”default” bottom_padding=”50″ text_align=”left”][vc_column_inner column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” column_border_radius=”none” column_link_target=”_self” width=”1/1″ tablet_width_inherit=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid” bg_image_animation=”none”][vc_column_text]It’s no secret that it’s been getting harder and harder to stand out amongst other businesses on Facebook and Instagram. And as big and impactful as these platforms have been for promoting brands in the last few years, without paid advertisement or influencer marketing it’s very difficult to get discovered there. The reason for this is: Facebook and Instagram are not search engines. Sure, you can use relevant hashtags and hope to get noticed, but if your business is in a specific field and is just starting out, chances are the users of these platforms will just keep on scrolling.
Throughout this time, as we all saw Instagram quickly become a resemblance of an online store for many companies and Facebook turn more into a portfolio rather than a social network, there’s been a huge Google giant of social media – YouTube.
People tend to use YouTube for how-to’s and tutorials but from a business point of view, there is so much potential to reach the audiences you wouldn’t be able to reach on other platforms. Just think about it, YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine (after Google) which means you CAN and WILL be found (provided you put your content in front of the right users). According to the latest research, YouTube reaches more US adults ages 18-34 than any cable network. It’s free, educational, entertaining, curated, and everyone uses it.
So why would you want to start a YouTube channel for your business? When you started your business you probably considered yourself a pro in a certain area. You did your research, took courses, watched YouTube tutorials (see, we all do it) and spent hours perfecting your knowledge in the subject. And when you take into account how huge the educational content is on this platform, why not share what you have learned with other people whilst shamelessly plugging your brand and how it can help people interested in what you’re teaching them? On YouTube, you have an opportunity to give more than you get and receive the respect and gratitude from your potential clients to make it easier for them to trust your business. On video you come across a lot more personable, your subscribers (or least those who come across your videos) can see the real people behind the brand, not just models/influencers wearing your products or trying your service.
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To be perfectly honest, creating a YouTube channel and a few videos just to get you started will take A LOT of time and effort and you shouldn’t expect a return straight away. Just like with any other social media platform, to grow your following and have an impact you will have to find your style and voice, feel comfortable in front of the camera and learn the basics of editing. But you really don’t need much more than that. It’s your content that should be your main focus and the storytelling (think: the beginning, the middle and the end of each post). Your mobile phone can do the filming!
If there’s one thing you should take away from this blog post, it’s this: pick a niche and stick to it. If you’re in the automotive industry, talk about cars and all there is to know about cars, if you’re a realtor, focus on that. Health and wellness? You got it! Talk about that, educate your audience, and then tell them how your skills and expertise within your business can be helpful to them. And don’t forget the CTA (that’s call-to-action). Ask your viewers to like, subscribe, share and check out that link the description. If you don’t ask, don’t expect them to figure it out by themselves. All YouTubers do it, you should do it too.
If you’re stuck and don’t even know where to start, you know where to find all the answers. That’s right, YouTube! There are hundreds of tutorials on how to start a channel, perfect your storytelling, promote your brand and sell. And the best part is: it’s free. Just type into the search bar what you’re looking for and you’ll get the best suggestions for your query. And that’s exactly how your business can be discovered on YouTube! Offer the content people are looking for, serve it right (SEO and all) and you’ll see that traffic coming into your website.
Starting a YouTube channel can sure be overwhelming but taking advantage of what it has to offer can’t be overlooked at this day and age. And if you need help finding the right niche or some guidance in creating your first videos, the Carmella Crew is here to help you.[/vc_column_text][divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”80″][nectar_cta btn_style=”see-through” heading_tag=”h6″ text_color=”#f96566″ link_type=”new_tab” alignment=”left” text=”Are you ready to begin using video for your business?” link_text=”Get started TODAY!” url=”http://carmellaconsulting.com/contact”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner column_margin=”default” text_align=”left”][vc_column_inner column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” centered_text=”true” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” column_border_radius=”none” column_link_target=”_self” width=”1/1″ tablet_width_inherit=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid” bg_image_animation=”none”][divider line_type=”No Line”][divider line_type=”Full Width Line” line_thickness=”1″ divider_color=”default”][nectar_single_testimonial testimonial_style=”small_modern” color=”Default” quote=”Always a pleasure to collaborate with Stephanie and her Carmella Crew.
They are Creative, Productive, and Value-driven in their approach to delivering high quality work for their clients.” name=”Brian McClure”][divider line_type=”Full Width Line” line_thickness=”1″ divider_color=”default”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][divider line_type=”No Line”][vc_row_inner column_margin=”default” bottom_padding=”0″ text_align=”left” css=”.vc_custom_1504236091614{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_inner column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” column_border_radius=”none” column_link_target=”_self” width=”1/1″ tablet_width_inherit=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid” bg_image_animation=”none”][recent_posts style=”list_featured_first_row” category=”all” columns=”3″ order=”DESC” orderby=”date” posts_per_page=”3″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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