
7 Human-Behaviour Hacks That Make Your Emails Crazy Effective

Email marketing is one of the most effective tools in your digital arsenal, but making your emails stand out can be a challenge. Understanding human behaviour and psychology can boost your email campaign effectiveness. Here are seven powerful hacks to make your emails not just effective, but irresistible.

Hacks That Make Your Email Strategy Effective

1. Words That Increase Open Rates

  • Magnet Words: Use attention-grabbing words to stand out.
  • Invitation to Join: Boost open rates by 25% with phrases like “invitation to join.” People love feeling special and exclusive.
  • Unveil the Secret: Promising secrets increases curiosity. Use phrases like “real story” and “inside look” to enhance this effect.
  • New: One of the top 5 persuasive words. Terms like “now,” “introducing,” and “discover” work well.
  • Free: Using “free” can double open rates compared to “complimentary.”
  • You/You’re: Personalizing with “you” or “you’re” increases open rates by 20%.
  • Placement: Place these key words at the beginning of the subject line.

Personalization: Tailor your subject lines to specific audiences, such as by industry or hobby, for a 41% increase in opens (e.g., “Just for CMOs,” “Just for people in marketing”).

2. Journalistic Secrets That Boost Email Relationships

Applying journalistic techniques can help frame your emails effectively. Use the “5 Ws and 1 H” – who, what, when, where, why, and how – to structure your emails. Creating an information gap, as suggested by George Loewenstein’s theory, motivates readers to take action by highlighting the gap between what they know and what they want to know. Headlines like “What employers really want” or “How to write a signature speech” tap into this curiosity. Numbers in headlines promise ease and simplicity, with odd numbers performing better than even ones, and multiples of ten being particularly effective. Superlatives such as “best,” “worst,” and “most” capture attention and draw readers in.

3. The Brain-Gain Power of Literary Devices

Leveraging literary devices can make your emails more engaging and memorable. Cognitive fluency, the ease with which information is processed, is crucial. Ensuring your emails are easy to read and understand increases their email campaign effectiveness. You can enhance your email campaign effectiveness with:

  • Alliteration: Phrases like “Ditch your data doubts” are catchy.
  • Repetition: “New year, new offerings” reinforces your message.
  • Rhyme: “Nothing to fear, video is here” is memorable and perceived as credible.
  • Metaphors: Use metaphors to make abstract ideas concrete.

4. Why You Will Sell More Using Social Proof

People tend to follow the crowd, making social proof a powerful tool. Highlight what others are doing to encourage similar behaviour.

  • Examples: Show that your offering is popular or well-regarded by using statements like “Thousands of companies have switched to our solution” or “Brandweek is sold out! Join the waitlist to secure your spot.”
  • Registrations: Highlight the volume of interest by stating “Over 200 have already registered. Here are some of the job titles attending…”. This not only underscores the event’s popularity but also shows the calibre of participants.
  • Competitor Quotes: Incorporate quotes from competitors to build trust. For instance, “Here’s what your competitors say about our platform and why they believe you can’t miss this opportunity.” By showing that even industry peers recognize the value of your product or event, you add an extra layer of credibility and urgency.
  • Testimonials: Use testimonials to address initial skepticism and gradually build credibility. Share stories from satisfied customers who have benefited from your product or service, focusing on specific results or experiences.
  • Highlight Desired Behaviours: Emphasize the actions you want your audience to take, such as “Join the thousands who have already signed up for our webinar,” or “Discover why so many are choosing to upgrade their coverage.”
  • Loss Aversion: People are more motivated to avoid losing something than to gain something new. Use phrases that highlight potential losses to drive action, such as “You have no idea what you’ve missed,” “Last chance to discover…,” or “Your business may be at risk if you don’t act now.”

5. When Negative Can Deliver Positive Results

Negative framing can be surprisingly effective. Loss aversion, such as “You have no idea what you have missed,” grabs attention. Creating urgency with phrases like “Last Chance” can drive immediate action. Highlighting mistakes to help people avoid them, such as “#1 mistake new managers make,” can also be very impactful. Integrating these into your email campaign effectiveness strategy can show tangible results.

6. How Availability Bias Turns Doubters into Buyers

Judging the likelihood of an event based on its availability in our memory can influence decision-making. Use statements like “Hate [problem]? Do this!” to make your content personally relevant. Allowing people to convince themselves, rather than overtly selling to them, can also be very effective.

7. What Instantly Makes Your Email Stand Out in the Inbox

Creating urgency with phrases like “Last call” can make your emails stand out. Using numbers instead of words, such as “5 tips…”, can also be more attention-grabbing.

  • Emojis: Using emojis can increase open rates by 28%. Test their placement at the beginning of the subject line and use them as supplements, not replacements for words (e.g., clock, calendar, hourglass).
  • Exaggerated Spelling: Example: “It’s Tiiiiiiime.”
  • Stand Out: Use special characters and symbols to stand out from the crowd, resulting in an 11% lift in open rates.

By tapping into human psychology and behavioural tendencies, you can transform your email marketing from ordinary to extraordinary. These seven hacks that range from crafting subject lines to leveraging social proof, are powerful tools that can boost not only open rates but also engagement and conversions. Test these strategies, optimize based on performance, and watch as your emails cut through the noise and resonate with your audience.


Happy emailing!

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